What we do

Support and development of education

One important reason for the plight of many Kenyans is the lack of access to education.

Large, poor families struggle to cope with daily challenges and education is often a luxury few can afford. Whole villages contribute to the education of the brightest young people, who train to become doctors or teachers and then return to their hometowns to repay the whole community with their work in their acquired profession.
The lack of educational opportunities, including learning English, makes it virtually impossible to get a job in the future that can provide a decent livelihood.

That’s why at Moyo Mzuri Foundation we do everything we can to help children finish school, get a job and become independent.
Under our wings we have the Knew Zone Academy school in Malindia, a town on the coast of Kenya.
It is a primary school with 130 children today, the youngest of whom are three years old (education in Kenya starts at this age).
Anna Krzewniak, co-founder of the foundation, has already been supporting the foundation since 2018, and from 2024 onwards we are continuing to work for the site already as a Foundation.

So far we have been able to:

  • Build a new building for the oldest pupils
  • Refurbish the old school buildings:
    • replace leaking roof
    • make plaster
    • refurbish toilets
    • harden floors in classrooms
    • build a new, secure fence around the school grounds
    • build a water tank
  • Purchase school books for Knew Zone Academy students
  • Systematic delivery to school: stationery and art supplies
  • Equip the school with:
    • electronic equipment (laptops, projector)
    • music and sports equipment
    • games, building blocks and toys for young children
  • Organise training for teachers, as well as aids for effective English language learning
  • Organise general development activities carried out by volunteers (swimming lessons, psychological support and others)
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